Founder & Chairman


A man with a rare combination of purpose and passion, versatility and vision,academic and applied science, Truth and talent, energy and experience, on-thefield and off-the-field star.World History stole his heart when he was a curious child. The Tamil language penetrated deep into his blood. Both driven his life to the edge of excellence when addressing day-to-day affairs of regional politics. A voracious reading and natural speaking ability placed him in different leadership roles.

Mentored by Loyola College Professor Mr. Rajanayagam and influenced by various visionary political leaders all his life. He is a lawyer by profession and politician by passion. He has 26 years of experience from a major political party in Tamil Nadu. He grasped world politics and worked hard in the field to understand all the facets of local diplomacies. His unbiased political survey and other works under the name ‘Loyola College Karuthu Kannippu (Opinion Poll)’ from 2004 revolutionized the political campaign process. His work predicted the outcome almost 90% of the time. IPDS (Indian Political Democracy Strategy ) is the brainchild of him born out of his tireless dedication to revive Indian Democracy at every level possible.

We are insanely good

Why Choose For Us

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Accurate Strategy
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Analysis + Survey + Research + campaign Management + Media planning + Social Media + FIELD ANALYSIS +
Analysis + Survey + Research + campaign Management + Media planning + Social Media + FIELD ANALYSIS +